
Declaration and initialization

// Added "*" declaration means pointer
int * p;
// pointer init;
p = NULL;

Address of ordinary variable declaration

int data;
data = 0; // init
printf("data address = %p\n", &data);

Substitute the address of the variable into the address declared variable

int * p;
int data;
p = NULL;
printf("Before : p address = %p\n", p);
data = 0;
p = &data;
printf("After : p address = %p\n", p);
printf("data address = %p\n", &data);

Changing the value via a pointer

int * p;
int data;
p = NULL;
data = 10;
p = &data;
printf("Before : data value = %d\n", data);
*p = 20;
printf("After : data value = %d\n", data);

Pointer of pointer

int * p, ** pp;
int data = 10;
p = NULL, pp = NULL;
p = &data;
pp = &p;

printf("*pp = %p\n", *pp); // Value in "p"
printf("&p = %p\n", &p); // Address of "p"
printf("p = %p\n", p); // Value in "p"
printf("&date = %p\n", &data); // Address of "date"
printf("*p = %d\n", *p); // 
printf("**p = %d\n", **pp);

**pp = 20;
printf("date = %d\n", date);

Struct pointer

struct TEST {
    int age;
    char[255] name;
    int phone;

TEST test;
TEST *testp;
testp = &test;
testp -> age = 20;
testp -> phone = 080;